
Demographics/Information on the Northeast Kingdom

If you are thinking of moving to the Northeast Kingdom or are looking for information about the region, there are a number of resources that you check out to find out more about the area. Much of this information can be found on the chamber’s web site as well.

Looking At Demographics – There are a number of agencies that give you a sense of the Kingdom by looking at demographic information on the region.  

Information on Communities in the Northeast Kingdom: North Star Monthly puts out a biyearly  publication (in the spring and fall) entitled the Kingdom Guide that provides a short summary on every community in the tri-county region and other helpful information on the area. It is a wonderful guide and is widely used by the Northeast Kingdom Chamber as a resource. It is available at many outlets throughout the Northeast Kingdom, including at the Northeast Kingdom Chamber office.

 Information on Town Clerks: The Northeast Kingdom Chamber has a section within our web site called Town Government, which lists every single town clerk in the region, their addresses and hours of operation.

Libraries in the Region: Libraries are an incredible resource in their respective communities, and the Northeast Kingdom Chamber, once again, has a section, on our web site, that lists all the libraries in the Northeast Kingdom, with their addresses and phone numbers.

Rural Arts Collaborative/WonderArts

WonderArts cultivates vibrancy in our NEK community through the arts, recreation, technology and sustainability. Bringing people together with a rich assortment of programs.

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